OpenCV 3.4.0 Cmake Configuration에 관해서 (windows) 본문
1.OpenCV 3.4.0 기준으로 작성되었습니다.[1]
1. Configuration - WITH
46개의 WITH_ 항목이 있습니다.
default로 checked 된 항목인데 library 검색이 안된다고 해서 에러가 나지는 않는다.(아마도)
조금씩 정리하도록 하겠습니다.
index | Name |
Description |
Default |
1 | WITH_1394 |
include IEEE1394 Support |
chk |
2 | WITH_CLP |
include Clp Support(EPL) |
unchk |
cv::videostab::MotionEstimatorL1 사용을 위해서는 CLP Lib가 필요[2] Clp에 대한 자세한 내용은 Clp Library Page [3] EPL은 프리미어리그가 아니라 Eclipse Public License [4] |
include C=Support |
unchk |
include NVIdia Cuda Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms(BLAS) library support |
chk |
CUDA관련 BLAS library 지원 여부 |
include NVdia Cuda Runtime support |
chk |
CUDA를 사용할건지 여부 |
iclude NVidia Cuda Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) library support |
chk |
CUDA관련 FFT Library를 사용할건지 여부 |
include DirectX support |
chk |
Only for Windows |
build VdeioIO with DirecShow upport |
chk |
include Eigen3/Eigen3 Support |
unchk |
10 | WITH_FFMPEG | include FFMPEG support | chk | FFMPEG |
11 | WITH_GDAL | include GDAL support | unchk | GIS 관련 지원을 위한 GDAL library[5] 지원 ex) cv::imread(argv[1], cv::IMREAD_LOAD_GDAL);[6] |
12 | WITH_GDCM | include DICOM support | unchk | 의료영상관련 Dicom |
13 | WITH_GIGEAPI | include Smartek GigE support | unchk | 관련 Stackoverflow[7] |
14 | WITH_GSTREAMER | include Gstreamer support | chk | gstreamer : open source multimedia framework[8] |
15 | WITH_GSTREAMER_0_10 | Enable Gstreamer 0.10 support(instead of 1.x) | unchk | |
16 | WITH_HALIDE | include Halide support | unchk | Halide is a programming language designed to make it easier to write high-performance image processing code on modern machines.[9] |
17 | WITH_INTELPERC | include Intel Perceptual Computing support | unchk | Intel® Perceptual Computing |
18 | WITH_IPP | include Intel IPP support | chk | Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives |
19 | WITH_ITT | include Intel ITT support | chk | Intel® The Instrumentation and Tracing Technology |
20 | WITH_JASPER | include JPEG2K support | chk | JPEG2K |
21 | WITH_JPEG | include JPEG support | chk | JPEG |
22 | WITH_LAPACK | include Lapack Library support | chk | Linerar Algebra PACKage(Lapack)[10] |
23 | WITH_MATLAB | include Matlab support | chk | Matlab |
24 | WITH_MFX | include Intel Media SDK support | chk | Intel® Media SDK[11] |
25 | WITH_MSMF | Build VideoIO with Media Foundation support | unchk | |
26 | WITH_NVCUVID | Build NVdia Video Decoding library support | chk | |
27 | WITH_OPENCL | include OpenCL Runtime support | chk | |
28 | WITH_OPENCLAMDBLAS | include AMD OpenCL BLAS library support | chk | |
29 | WITH_OPENCLAMDFFT | include AMD OpenCL FFT library support | chk | |
30 | WITH_OPENCL_SVM | include OpenCL Shared Virtual Memory support | unchk | |
31 | WITH_OPENEXR | include ILM support via OpenEXR | chk | OpenEXR is a high dynamic-range (HDR) image file format developed by Industrial Light & Magic for use in computer imaging applications.[12] |
32 | WITH_OPENGL | include OpenGL support | unchk | |
33 | WITH_OPENMP | include OpenMP support | unchk | |
34 | WITH_OPENNI | include OpenNI support | unchk | The OpenNI framework is an open source SDK used for the development of 3D sensing middleware libraries and applications.[13] |
35 | WITH_OPENNI2 | include OpenNI2 support | unchk | |
36 | WITH_OPENVX | include OpenVX support | unchk | OpenVX is an open, royalty-free standard for cross platform acceleration of computer vision applications.[14] |
37 | WITH_PNG | include PNG support | chk | Image format |
38 | WITH_PVAPI | include Prosilica GigE support | unchk | |
39 | WITH_QT | Build with QT Backend support | unchk | |
40 | WITH_TBB | include Intel TBB support | unchk | Intel® Threading Building Blocks |
41 | WITH_TIFF | include TIFF support | chk | Image format |
42 | WITH_VFW | include Video for Windows support | chk | |
43 | WITH_VTK | include VTK library support (and build opencv_viz module either) | chk | The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) is an open-source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization.[15] |
44 | WITH_WEBP | include WEBP support | chk | Image format |
45 | WITH_WIN32UI | Build with Win32 UI Backend support | chk | |
46 | WITH_XIMEA | include XIMEA camera support | unchk |
[1] https://docs.opencv.org/3.4.0/
[2] https://docs.opencv.org/3.4.0/d7/d29/classcv_1_1videostab_1_1MotionEstimatorL1.html#adc5c868f661775fb37a31a51ab1ea0d7
[3] https://projects.coin-or.org/Clp
[4] https://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0
[7] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3345467/opencv-with-gige-vision-cameras
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